Friday, June 3, 2011

Horses and Water

 Why are horses so scared of water? Well its because they can't tell how deep the water is or if there is a predator beneath the surface. It can be very difficult for you to ride a horse that you barely know and try to make them go through the water. To be successful and make the hore\se go, you have to know them very well and they have to trust you. Most riders call this the trust bond between man and beast.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Calling order

Most people that have horses know that they are very dominate creatures and there is only one alpha usually a female. She has an alpha male but it is the mare that is incharge not the stalion. On Happy Homestead CC is the one incharge then Mr. Jet (her son). They are the youngest horses there so those two are the top. Then it goes Pony he's been there longer but he is the oldest one and has been forced to step down to CC. Lastly there is the old guy Sunny he's old and weak but he hasn't been on the homestead as long as CC or Mr. Jet and Pony have been. Scientists think that horses have a "pecking order" because they are one of the smartest animals on the planet. Others think its because that's the way horses stay alive is they depend on the horse incharge for food, water, and to repopulate out there in the wild is a cruel place to live if you are alone. I think that it has a little to do with both. Tell me what you think

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Horses

If you have horses then you know how they can get with new comers on their property its not always happy go lucky. Well at thepasture I'm working at there is a new horse his name is Scout.
Scout is a good horse he just has to be broken a little more. By broken i mean trained. Some people have different veiws on how horses should be raised. My step dad thinks that if a horse is really stubborn and you have a really hard time breaking them then they should be sent off to a butcher or a glue factory.
I think that if the horse is really stubborn then you have to be stubborn back and you can't give them any lead way or slack for anything or they will take advantage of that and either kick, bite, or do both to you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hey readers i have a brand new blog the url is so check it out nd follow it and tell me what you think of it. thank you

Monday, May 23, 2011


Hello readers please tell me what your favoraite breed of horse is by putting your answer at the bottom of this page thank you. When i have enough votes i will poast what the most popular breed!!

Monday, May 16, 2011


      Mr. Jet has a personality of a very head strong and proud horse but he can get carried away with all of his pride and become ignorant.
     Cc is a very gentle horse and she is also the mother of Mr. Jet she is very protective of her son as well.
     Pony is a old horse but full of  life he is a people horse he loves being around others. Every once in a while though he wants to be left alone when Mr. Jet comes around.
    Sunny is an old horse too. he is full of life and he is a commical horse who brings happiness and peace to people and you can't take one look at him without smiling at him.

Friday, May 13, 2011


 If you have your own horses then you know how hard it can be to train them. It can be very difficult to train a horse that have already been trained. Its like retraining an old dog to do new tricks. Yes it can be done but its still very difficult. Training is another way to create that very special bond between animal and human.